Monday, September 26, 2011

Jadalyn Update - November 5, 2005

Some of your are on my work email list and have received two of the three recent pictures of Jadalyn attached. She continues to do well and stay healthy. She had problems with recurring seizure activity during the past two months but she seems to finally be on the correct dose of medicine and has had no seizures in two weeks now. She continues to enjoy being propped and sat up more and more which is wonderful as well. After a year long wait she is finally having her ABR Test (Auditory brain stem response test) which is a test for hearing and brain (neurological) functioning.
The ABR test involves attaching electrodes to her head to record electrical activity from the auditory nerve (the hearing nerve) and other parts of the brain. The test will be done at the UCLA Audiology Clinic under General Anesthesia. She has had two previous ABR Tests at Children's Hospital under Local Anesthesia. However, she has a very bad reaction to the medicine and got agitated and frothed at the mouth. In order for the test to be accurate she must be completely still and asleep. So please say a prayer tomorrow that everything goes smoothly. It is a two-hour long test.
I have great news on the job front. I start a new job at a Commercial Insurance Agency called Scanlon, Jacobsen, Guerra and Burke on Monday, November 13th. I will be an Account Manager again and the team I'm working for seem to be a wonderful group of people. I'm looking forward to a challenging and rewarding work experience there. My friend Jeff Pfaffenberger referred me to the job and has been working there for three years. He said that the Company is a great place to work, especially the group I will be working with. I know my new boss, Paul Burke, from the original time I worked at Scanlon, when it was Scanlon & Associates, 10+ years ago. They have moved from Calabasas to Warner Center since then and most of the employees I knew have moved on a long time ago. I'm also looking forward to being close by my Mom, my Aunt Mary, my Great Aunt Kitty and my friends Tammy and Maryann. Tammy and Maryann have already promised to be my new walking buddies! It is a good increase in pay and position.
I will be sending out our annual holiday picture card and holiday letter so I'll leave it at that.
Love and Hugs to all!
Liz, George and Jadalyn
p.s. Jadalyn weighs 30 pounds and is 31 inches long!!!!

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