Friday, September 23, 2011

Jadalyn Update - back at CHLA as of 12/15/2004

Jadalyn just went into the hospital again last Wednesday (12/15/04). She was throwing up a bit at home and turned blue around 10:30am so George and Lidia took her to Children's Hospital. She turned blue again in the E.R. so they admitted her. They took blood, did a CT Scan and a Chest x-ray, tapped her shunt, tested the fluid. All the usual stuff and everything came back negative. No infections (in her shunt or in her blood), thank God! But she did have a little bit of a cold (cough/runny nose) so they have in isolation (her own room and everyone
has to wear a mask when they are in there with her). So that way she will not spread her cold to others on the floor :) and we have lots of privacy (a first!!!) They ended up doing a flouroscopic surgery (in Radiology) to put in a Pic line (more permanent I.V.) and change her G-tube to a G-J Tube which bi-passes the stomach and goes into the intestines (Jejunum - I'm learning more anatomy/physiology again...) which they are hoping will alleviate her Acid Reflux / vomiting and breath holding spells. Now we just have to wait and see and hope and pray for the best. They are sending her home on an apnea monitor, although I don't really think it is necessary... Well, she should be coming home either tonight or tomorrow. They had to reschedule her ear tube surgery. She will also be having a repeat swallow study, repeat sleep study and a neurological consult in the near future. She will also be followed by the Pulmonary Team at CHLA. So lots more appointments in the near future. Jadalyn is feeling better, back to her happy, hand talking self. So George and I are thrilled and relieved for the moment. Sorry this is so late but I had to leave work early on Wednesday and didn't come back until today so I didn't have access to a computer for e-mail.
Love and Hugs to everyone
and Merry Christmas
Liz, George and Baby Jadalyn

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