Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jadalyn Update - April 11, 2005

The Thursday before last Jadalyn started getting barfy again. It worsened over that
weekend and by Monday she had turned blue a few times so we had to take her to
the E.R. at Children's Hospital. We were concerned that it was her shunt acting up
because she had been so sleepy and lethargic over the weekend so we had them
do a CT Scan. They also took her blood, urine and did an x-ray of her tummy area.
She had a little blockage in her bowels but nothing major. The only thing they determined
was that she was a little dehydrated from her food being on and off over the weekend.
Other than that, nothing was really wrong. So we got no answers and determined that as she
is still having these episodes every few weeks and ending up in the E.R. that we are going
to discuss the Nissen surgery (where they wrap part of her stomach around her esophogus
so that food, bile, etc. can not come up into her esophogus and make her feel like vomiting)
with Dr. Mahour. Dr. Mahour did her original G-Tube placement surgery and Intestinal
Malrotation Surgery. We spoke with Jadalyn's Gastroenterologist the day after our visit to
the E.R. and he agreed that this is the next step we should take, sooner rather than later.
I am scared about the surgery but hope with all my heart that this will help our little Angel
Jadalyn to feel her best! I will let you all know when the surgery is scheduled so we can pray
REALLY hard!!!!!
Jadalyn is doing well otherwise. She is moving more, hearing more, seeing more, doing more.
Tolerating movement more. All good things! She is happier in general and is smiling all the
time and laughing too! Which makes me and her Daddy so very happy too!
This week our schedule will be changing as I start Certified Nursing Assistant School.
It is three nights a week for 12 weeks so Jadalyn and I will be spending the night at my Mom and John's (aka Nana and Papa) on Tuesday nights. Lidia will watch Jadalyn on the other two nights. I will be working at Aon for 2 1/2 days a week now until June 29th when my school is finished. Then we'll see what new and exciting things happen!
We are still working on getting the hearing aides. We are dealing with California Children Services and they sure make you jump through a lot of hoops! I'm hoping to have them all their paperwork today so we can get moving with that.
So that's whats new in our world. I'd love to hear from any of you out there!
Love and Hugs to all!
Liz, George and Baby Jadalyn

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