Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Those Untouchable People (Liz Sidener - 1980's)

What makes people so removed
what happens to them
to make them so empty and
void, so unlovable
What makes us want them
all the more
There is unrest there beneath their cool exteriors
There is havoc
Do we need to know?
Is that our gain?
To know their souls
Will we ever be so close to those blank stares
vacant eyes
No...but the challenge is there.
That deep instinct in each and every one that forces us to be attracted to this dead light.
To know possibly or to be one who is seen as knowing these souls.
Maybe if we found something, there would be nothing
absolutely nothing
in their hearts and souls
But to believe that would say it's all in vain
Our struggles...
So let's live not thinking so.

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