Thursday, July 25, 2019

Louisiana Desiree Hilts quote

“You need to be a realist to believe in miracles, because one can only see the real truth with the heart and not with the eyes."
—Louisiana Desiree' Hilts (cancer survivor) 

Helen Keller quote

"The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller

Wings (Liz Sidener poem - date unknown)

We can only spread our wings so far
before we cry out in anguished terror.
Our love can unite us for only so long
before we need to be set free.
I can only say so much before you silence me with your eyes.
I know you want certain things
and not other things.
I can not provide you with what I can not even give to myself.
Why can't I look into your eyes for an eternity?
Why do I always look away?
Why do I wonder what my life would be like without you?
Why can't I see a life
without you

Frog Man (Liz Sidener poem - 10/13/1990)

There is a frog man statue that lives in the pond in my backyard.
Although I could never know him, because of course he doesn't speak, I still have feelings for the small stony man. I take walks through all the paths every morning in m yard and I walk past the pond where he resides. He lives among the lily pads, cool water, and all the other creatures of the pond.
He stands so still, so firm. He never once changes his expression or stance. I often wonder how a being could stay unchanged for such a long time. I often speak aimlessly to him about my every day life or chatter away about insignificant occurrences and although he is always very patient, he never replies. I always think my visits will persuade him to smile and if he does, it is only on the inside, in his soul. Yes, I am very patient with my stone frog man. I know he will never change but I love him all the more for his determination. I respect his fate and his destiny.

Monday, July 22, 2019

I long to be the one (poem)

I long to be the one
that you teach
with your wisdom
the tears and sweat
fall off like blue beads
of a rosary
so crystal, so pure
they show me you are interested
you want to teach me
to be strong
to use what I learn
to use what you teach me
I can feel your loving vibes
they play with me
rainbows of light
circling my aura
jumping and arching happily
curving into those ditches
that surround my fortress
slowly and carefully digging up
the dirt
replacing it with holy water
to purify my soul, to calm
my being
your acceptance is healing
the gloomy days are so far away
they are all yesterdays
not tomorrows